THREE THINGS TO DO: Latin-funk-rock sounds from Surrey band Saturday night

Also: 'Outbreak' dance show by Surrey students, Family Sunday at SAG

Surrey-based band Santa Lucia LFR in action.

Surrey-based band Santa Lucia LFR in action.

1. On Saturday night (April 30) at Crescent Beach Legion (2643 128 St., Surrey) the festival-friendly sounds of Santa Lucia LFR are brought inside in a rare local gig for the Surrey-based band. The seven-piece outfit, led by guitarist/vocalist German Cantillo, who is originally from Nicaragua, plays a high-energy mix of Latin, funk and rock – hence the LFR tag. It’s lively dance music, to be sure, but the song lyrics have a social conscience, too – a quality that probably secured the band an opening slot for the mighty Los Lobos at Surrey’s Fusion Festival back in 2012.

2. The stage at Chandos Pattison Auditorium will be filled with talented teens during the eighth annual Outbreak dance competition on Saturday (April 30), starting at noon. The event, presented by the Surrey Secondary Dance Teacher’s Association, a large-scale dance showcase primarily for Surrey high school dance students. More than 500 performers are involved in a variety of styles, including hip-hop, jazz, contemporary and bhangra. “Many of the competing groups are entirely student-run and directed, and the show stands as a fantastic example of the positive work being done by youth in the area of performing arts (in Surrey),” Kate Law, an organizer of the event, told the Now. Event tickets are $15 at the door, 10238 168th St., Surrey.

3. Get colourful and creative with carpets, crowns, clay and tattoos during another Family Sunday event at Surrey Art Gallery this Sunday afternoon (May 1). Admission is free at the event, inspired by current exhibits at the Bear Creek Park gallery. Check it out from noon to 4 p.m. Click here for more details.


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