THREE THINGS TO DO: ‘Staging Still Life Scenes’ talk at Surrey Art Gallery

Also this week in Surrey: Dove-release memorial event and a salute-to-Chopin concert

David Ostrem’s work is featured at Surrey Art Gallery this fall.

David Ostrem’s work is featured at Surrey Art Gallery this fall.

1. This Saturday, spend a couple of hours at Surrey Art Gallery exploring the current “Small Stages: Still Life from the Permanent Collection” exhibit. That afternoon (Nov. 5), artistsTorrie GroeningDavid Ostrem and Davida Kidd will talk about “Staging Still Life Scenes”as part of a panel discussion focused on the “still life” genre of art, with the gallery’s assistant curator, Brian Foreman, as moderator. Admission is free at the event, which runs from 2:30 to 4 p.m. Details are at, or call 604-501-5566.

2. Dig if you will the picture of doves taking flight on a Sunday morning at Bear Creek Park. No, it’s not a Prince video, it’s time for the annual Dove Release Memorial hosted by Surrey Hospice Society, on Nov. 6 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Attendance is free at the event, and the fee to release a dove in the name of a loved one is $50. For details, visit or call 604-584-7006. While you’re at it, ask about the organization’s 30th-anniversary gala, “The Dirty Thirties,” set for Nov. 18 at Aria Banquet Hall in Surrey.

3. Become better acquainted with the life and works of Polish composer Frederic Chopin in “Bon Soir Monsieur Chopin,” a musical drama starring Maria Nowotarska and Agata Pilitowska. The play, in Polish with English subtitles, hits the Surrey Arts Centre stage on Saturday, Nov. 5. Following the scripted show, pianist Witold Wardziukiewica will play the composer’s music. Tickets are $32.95 via 604-501-5566 and



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