Three up-and-coming artists featured

Gallery 2 will be hosting three new exhibitions for emerging artists.

Nocturnes III by Carin Covin (pictured) is part of the first three exhibitions of 2012 to open at Gallery 2.

Nocturnes III by Carin Covin (pictured) is part of the first three exhibitions of 2012 to open at Gallery 2.

The first three exhibitions of 2012 to open at Gallery 2 all feature emerging artists.

Lisa Rezansoff grew up in Grand Forks and went on to obtain her BFA degree from the University of Alberta and lives in Edmonton. Carin Covin has her studio in Vernon and the third exhibit is a group show of four young local artists – Talyor Charlong, Teara Blatkewicz, Brittany Merry and Zoey Lawson.

An opening reception for Nocturnes and Implied Narratives will be held on Saturday, Feb. 4 from 1 to 3 p.m.

Nocturnes: Carin Covin

Carin Covin received her BFA from Okanagan University College in 2003 and her MFA from UBC Okanagan in 2010.

As a drawer and painter, her research interests are in the intersection of creative writing and visual language.

She is interested in the diary form and the lyric essay and how these writing genres interweave into a contemporary drawing and painting practice.

Current research interests include a collaborative approach into the nature of identity as a member of The Echo Collective. “The Echo Project” is the collective’s first inquiry into this

pluralistic subject.

Implied Narratives: Lisa Rezansoff

Lisa’s etchings and drawings are inspired by memories of the mountain landscape around Grand Forks, where she grew up, and by the immediate and sensual circumstance of mark-making. She is interested in the communicative properties of line and draws from memory to convey some essential quality of the place or moment that inspired the work, while remaining open-ended to its narrative possibilities.

Studio Watch: Four Young Grand Forks Artists

Taylor Charlong, Teara Blatkewicz, Brittany Merry and Zoey Lawson have been participating in weekly art sessions at Gallery 2 with instructor, Nora Curiston.

This exhibit includes work created throughout the past year.  Curiston outlines topics and projects at the beginning of each session but consistently finds that these artists create work well beyond what she had planned.  ‘These girls are so talented and creative I just give them the seed of an idea and let them go,” says Curiston. “They always come up with something amazing.”

The four young artists will be present at an opening reception on Wednesday, Feb. 8, that occurs between 4:30 and 5:30 pm.

submitted by Gallery 2

Grand Forks Gazette