If you live, work or play in Maple Ridge, have your say.
You just have to click on a link, answer a few questions and help your city set its cultural course for the next decade.
The City of Maple is nearing the end of a public consultation process for its 10-year Cultural Plan and wants to know what the public would like to see on the cultural side.
The positions of cultural groups and organizations are also being sought out but the city wants to hear from individuals as well.
But time is running out. The online survey ends Sunday, June 11, so there’s only a few days to get in your opinion. Earlier in the year, the city held a forum to allow people share their views on culture.
People can also have any questions answered by e-mailing: submissions@mapleridge.ca.
The last plan was adopted in 1996 and many of its goals have been achieved, including the implementation of the artist in residency program, the public art program and the opening of the ACT Arts Centre downtown.
Once the results of the public consulation are compiled, the city will host a Cultural Champions Summit, June 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the ACT to discuss the findings.
Everyone is welcome, but RSVP by e-mail to submissions@mapleridge.ca.
Maple Ridge is also working on a five-year tourism strategy.
The city is holding its first forum on adventure tourism, this Monday, June 12 from 6 to 8:30 pm in the ACT Arts Centre Studio Theatre.. This broad category includes cycling, hiking walking, outdoor recreation.
Everyone’s welcome. To register for the June 12 forum, contact Karen Hansen at 604-463-5221 or by e-mail at khansen@mapleridge.ca.