Top honours for Abbotsford adult dance group

Squad from Dance in Motion recognized at two recent competitions

The adult dance group from Dance in Motion is taught by Mary Boonstra (crouching in front row, right).

The adult dance group from Dance in Motion is taught by Mary Boonstra (crouching in front row, right).

An Abbotsford adult dance group recently won several competition awards.

The group from Dance in Motion received first a place and a platinum in each of two categories – Street Jazz and Contemporary – at the Synergy Dance Competition at the Bell Centre in Surrey.

Then, at the Peak Invitational Competition in Abbotsford, the group again placed first in both categories and also claimed first overall in the adult section for their Street Jazz dance.

The group is taught by Mary Boonstra, and includes a lawyer, a doctor, a police officer, photographers, a realtor, a teacher and more.

Boonstra said the group has danced together for a long time.

“Our love and passion of dance is everything to us, and we have bonded so strongly over the years,” she said.

The dancers rehearse 1.5 hours a week and work hard towards dance competitions and community performances, Boonstra said.

Abbotsford News