Robin and Michele Girouard’s home in Aldergrove, 27079 24a Ave, is decked with lights. (Ryan Uytdewilligen/Aldergrove Star)

Top three homes picked for Walt Levy Light-up Aldergrove contest

Lee and Corrie Corfe's home at 26965 25A Ave earned first place this Christmas

While COVID-19 cancelled just about everything holiday-related that contained more than a handful of participants, one activity has shot to the top of the list of most popular pastimes – looking at lights.

Lucky for Aldergrove residents, an annual display contest has pinpointed the very best in holiday decor.

Known as the Walt Levy Light-up Aldergrove contest – hosted by the Aldergrove Fair – three winners were chosen this Christmas.

Lee and Corrie Corfe took first place this year – their home is located at 26965 25A Ave.

Second went to Robin and Michele Girouard of 27079 24A Ave.

Third place winners were the Wood family at 27198 26th Ave.

READ MORE: Organizer estimates 20,000 visited Williams Park this Christmas

Second place winner Robin Girouard told the Aldergrove Star that this was the second year in a row that he took home that title.

“Getting first or second, doesn’t really make a difference to me. I’m just happy to brighten up the season, for everybody that saw my display, and hoped I warmed everybody’s heart during these tough times,” he explained. “Like I always say, ‘maybe next year’.”

The late Walt Levy was president of the society when it was formed in 1984 and was responsible, along with many other notable Aldergrove volunteers, for starting many of these annual events.

The light-up Aldergrove contest was named after him following his passing in 1999.

Residents are annually encouraged to decorate and light up their homes and compete for the trophy award.

Winners were crowned on Christmas day.


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