Travel author Rich Antonson will be speaking about local history, travel and writing at Chapters Langley this weekend.

Travel author Rich Antonson will be speaking about local history, travel and writing at Chapters Langley this weekend.

Travel author speaks at Chapters Langley

Rick Antonson to discuss local history, travel, writing

Travel writer and former CEO of Vancouver Tourism Rick Antonson and his brother, Brian, will be at Chapters Langley on Saturday, June 25 at 7 p.m. to discuss local history, adventure travel and tips on how to write and publish your own book.

Rick is not your typical tourist. He does not seek out typical destinations.

His newly released Full Moon over Noah’s Ark: An Odyssey to Mount Ararat and Beyond is a case in point.

The book chronicles his ascent of the fabled mountain in Eastern Turkey and his independent travels to some of the most dangerous territory in the Middle East, including Iran and Iraq. His previous books include Route 66 Still Kicks and To Timbuktu for a Haircut.

Brian is the former Associate Dean of Broadcast and Media Communications at BCIT.

Langley Times