Jade Hill (centre), Johanna Pettersson (left), and Crystal Schwab show off their wool hair extensions made by Hill. Hill was one of the many vendors participating in ArtisFest.

Jade Hill (centre), Johanna Pettersson (left), and Crystal Schwab show off their wool hair extensions made by Hill. Hill was one of the many vendors participating in ArtisFest.

Trial run for ArtistFest event in Honeymoon Bay

Vancouver Island ArtistFest premiered last year in Victoria and ventured to the wilds of Honeymoon Bay in search of a larger venue

Vancouver Island ArtistFest premiered last year in Victoria and ventured to the wilds of Honeymoon Bay in search of a larger venue, which it found in the Honeymoon Bay Hall and field behind. The festival took place over the Aug. 25 weekend.

Though supportive and hopeful, many of the vendors participating were slightly skeptical when it came to the numbers the event would draw, some saying there were not enough signs posted on the way into town.

Organizer Katie Bennett says she is happy to have found Honeymoon Bay and hopes it will be a place where ArtistFest can put down some roots.

“This event is so good for the community,” said Ian Morrison, director for Area F. “Honeymoon Bay has been looking for an event like this.”

“We’ll see,” said Leah Fjeldstad, member of the Honeymoon Bay Community Society. “It’s like anything else, this is a feeler thing. Next year will probably be better.”

He did note that local businesses like the Coffee Mill were on hand, and everyone wanted to be involved.


Lake Cowichan Gazette