Trio Say So, consisting of Allannah Dow, left, Tina Jones and Leah Hokanson, performs in Nanaimo at the Bethlehem Centre Sunday (May 1).

Trio Say So, consisting of Allannah Dow, left, Tina Jones and Leah Hokanson, performs in Nanaimo at the Bethlehem Centre Sunday (May 1).

Trio plays heartfelt songs

NANAIMO - Trio Say So performs in Nanaimo at Bethlehem Centre Sunday (May 1).

Members of Trio Say So create music that reflects what is in their hearts and minds.

“The overall message in our music is that it speaks to the soul, to the larger questions of being human and being vulnerable and bringing more life into the world, and authenticity,” said Allannah Dow, cellist player for the group.

The trio consists of Dow, Tina Jones, banjo player and Leah Hokanson, pianist.

The three met thanks to the late Antony Holland while they were working on a production.

“We had such a great time, we decided to continue,” said Hokanson.

One thing that helps the trio create its music is the close bond amongst the three women. The three share their personal struggles and triumphs with each other. There is a connection and they nurture each other.

“It’s as much part of the music as rehearsing,” said Hokanson.

When performing, sharing and connecting with the audience is also important to the trio.

Dow said the group’s name was chosen because it gives the members permission to say exactly what’s on their minds.

The show is at Bethlehem Centre Sunday (May 1) from 5-6:30 p.m. as the kickoff to Bethlehem Alive, an initiative  that started a year ago to raise money to purchase the centre. Lucia Gamroth, executive director of Bethlehem Centre, said now it is a series of events held to raise awareness about the centre.

Tickets are $20 in advance from Fascinating Rhythm, Lifehouse Chiropractor, The Green Store or the retreat centre. Tickets are $25 at the door.

Nanaimo News Bulletin