

Turning Pointe turns heads

Dancers shine during performance at Brilliant Cultural Centre.

The Turning Pointe Performance Company put on a dazzling display of dancing for a packed crowd and to thunderous applause last weekend.

The Saturday matinée — the first of its kind — was held in the Brilliant Cultural Centre, where over 30 numbers were performed by talented young ladies, ages eight to 17.

Groups of dancers took to the stage for their three to five minutes of action, performing all styles of dance from hip-hop to tap to ballet.

Dance company co-chair Paulette Lawczynski said the girls were beyond ecstatic to perform that afternoon.

“Downstairs [where the girls gathered] there’s a lot of excitement, tenseness and energy. They’ve been training all year and this is their moment to really shine.”

All year is correct, as the dancers started their training at the Turning Pointe summer dance camp in August and rarely stopped until this grand showing.

“It’s an opportunity for the dancers to show the community how all their efforts have paid off and to demonstrate their skills. It shows the public what our group is about and why these dancers train all year,” Lawczynski added.

This is the first year the performance has been put on in the afternoon. Each year prior the show has gone on in the evening.

Lawczynski explained this was to make it more accessible to a younger audience as well as older generations, including the performers’ grandparents.

The Turning Pointe Performance Company was founded in 1999 to give dedicated young dancers the opportunity to hone and showcase their skills. Ever since, they have been delighting audiences with performances just like this spring showcase.

In total, 55 dancers took to the stage on Saturday.

Castlegar News