Two exhibits open Revelstoke art gallery’s 2016 season

The Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre kicked off its 2016 season on Friday with two new exhibits

Jewelles Smith admires paintings by Mas Matsushita and Donna Naprstek.

Jewelles Smith admires paintings by Mas Matsushita and Donna Naprstek.

The Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre kicked off its 2016 season on Friday with two new exhibits — a members show with the theme of Twisted, and a solo show by artist Leora Gesser.

The main gallery featured Twisted, where members of the Revelstoke Visual Arts Society were invited to explore the theme in a variety of ways and mediums. The show featured a mixture of sculptures, paintings, photography, glass work, and mixed-media pieces.

The side gallery features Grand Forks artist Leora Gesser’s show Boundaries. According to her artist statement, she uses photography, collage and painting “to create landscapes that challenge the viewer’s beliefs in the harmony and serenity found in the natural world around them.”

“Boundaries is as much about the changing environment as it is about my perception of the landscape,” she writes. “By recording the living and breathing areas that surround me, I want to pay homage to the landscape that has become so much part of my fabric. I am taking this opportunity to discover the harmonies and chaos, the beauty and confusion, and the realities and abstractions found in our natural world.”

The exhibition runs until Friday, April 29, when Gesser will give an artist talk at the gallery at 2 p.m.

The visual arts centre has seven other shows scheduled this year, including a number of solo exhibits and recurring group shows like the Revelstoke Secondary School art exhibit, the Golden Girls annual show, and Art in the Park.

Solo shows will be presented by Valerie Rogers, Jason Keerak, Sue Davies, Kip Wiley, and Jacqueline Palmer. There is also a family-themed show called Generations that will feature Jewelles Smith and her son Pierce; and Susan and Kristi Lind.

One of the more unique shows is Four by Four, which will see four photographers take four photos each, then have them interpreted by 16 different artists.

Visit the Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre website for opening hours and the complete schedule of this year’s exhibits.


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