Two singers, two albums

Pair of celebrated Alberta song writers to visit Oceanside

Jenny Allen, right, and Leslie Alexander are in Parksville this weekend.

Jenny Allen, right, and Leslie Alexander are in Parksville this weekend.

Two celebrated Alberta songwriters will stop for a show in Parksville this weekend during a cross-country tour promoting their upcoming solo CDs.

Jenny Allen and Leslie Alexander first came together onstage in the ‘90s singing with Jane Siberry on her hit Calling All Angels

Following a tour in 2010, they decided to continue the fun, each complementing each others’ music and delighting audiences with harmony vocals, guitar, washboard, harmonica and other instruments.

Called the Dirty Laundry Tour, the girls will air songs off their new albums, Allen’s Blanket and Alexander’s Nobody’s Baby both said to be their most personal songs to date. The CDs were both produced by John Ellis, known for his work with the Be Good Tanyas, Jane Sidberry and Barney Bentall.

The women will play in a home studio called Celebrating! Ablespace on Moss Avenue in Parksville. Tickets are $15. This intimate concert  will have limited seating, for tickets call Sherry Konigsberg at 250-954-3452 or e-mail

For more information on Jenny Allen visit and for Leslie Alexander visit


Parksville Qualicum Beach News