The West Coast will gather at Ucluelet's Whiskey Dock on Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. to watch a parade of decked out vessels light up the night.

The West Coast will gather at Ucluelet's Whiskey Dock on Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. to watch a parade of decked out vessels light up the night.

Ucluelet set for Harbour Lights Sail Past

Ucluelet’s boating community is getting ready to shine with Christmas spirit.

Ucluelet’s boating community is getting ready to shine with Christmas spirit.

The annual Harbour Lights Sail Past event is on the docket for Dec. 16 and will feature a parade of vessels decked out in holiday cheer.

Decorated boats will begin parading in front of Ucluelet’s Whiskey Dock around 7 p.m. and refreshments will be on hand for spectators to enjoy as they watch the lights sail past.

The Ucluelet chamber of commerce is hosting this year’s event and the chamber’s executive director Sally Mole is stoked on seeing the popular spectacle light up the night.

“It will be a nice community get together and bring a little bit of brightness in the dark of winter,” Mole said.

“We are a boating community so it’s focusing on the water and harbour activities and all those people who are out on the water pretty consistently…and people take pride in being part of it.”

Last year’s parade roster boasted about 15 vessels and Mole believes more could be added to the festive fun.

“I think it’s going to grow,” she said. “It’s a fun event and more participants of course makes for a better Harbour Lights Sail Past and a great show for the community.”

There is still time for more vessels to sail onto this year’s roster and anyone interested in joining the holiday mix is encouraged to contact Mole at the chamber office: 250-726-4641.

“It’s a great way for our marine community to ring in Christmas,” Mole said adding the event offers locals an early opportunity to floss their holiday garb including their favourite Christmas sweaters.

She acknowledged scheduling confusion frustrated some locals this year as the event was originally advertised for Dec. 6.

“That was my fault and I take full responsibility for that,” she said adding she had picked the Dec. 6 date to coincide with the Ucluelet Aquarium’s release day event.

“I should have consulted with the boating community to make sure that was a good date for them, I didn’t do that and it wasn’t a good day for them so we talked back and forth and agreed on Dec. 16.”


Tofino-Ucluelet Westerly News