Ukrainian Club of Abbotsford celebrates new year

Annual Malanka event takes place Jan. 16 in Aldergrove

The Ukrainian Club of Abbotsford hosts its annual Malanka celebration on Jan. 16.

The Ukrainian Club of Abbotsford hosts its annual Malanka celebration on Jan. 16.

Each year, Canadians of Ukrainian heritage celebrate their Christmas and their New Year’s celebration Malanka some two weeks after the rest of the general population.

This year, the Ukrainian Club of Abbotsford hosts its annual Malanka New Year’s dinner and dance on Saturday, Jan. 16 at Sts. Joachim and Ann’s Church hall, 2827 273 St. in Aldergrove.

While most of the western world adheres to the Gregorian calendar which was established in 1582, many Ukrainians still recognize the holidays of the much older Julian calendar.

The night of Jan. 6 sees a traditional 12-course Christmas meal being served in households, with a kolach (braided loaf) as a supper-table centrepiece, and a didukh (or decorated sheaf of wheat) standing nearby. When the youngest member of the family announces that a star is visible in the night sky on Svyata Vechera, the hospodar (or host) helps him light a candle, which is placed in the window.

The candle is a signal to any traveller who is lost or prevented by weather from reaching home that a place is available for him at the hospodar’s table.

After a traditional prayer, the first of 12 dishes is served: a centuries-old delicacy of wheat and poppy seeds and honey.

A week later, Ukrainians bring in the new year with their Malanka, or New Year’s celebration.

The Malanka celebration in Aldergrove features a meal of Ukrainian cuisine (perogies, holoptsi and the like) and is followed by a dance with live music by S-Bahn.

Doors open at 5:30 p.m., and the Yevshan Ukrainian Dancers perform at 6. Dinner is served at 7 p.m. Tickets are $50 for adults, $15 for kids ages seven to 15, and free for kids six and under. Call 604-856-6136.



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