The members of LUNA from left to right in are Motria Koropecky, Marilyn Kowalchuk, Olga Lang, Yaroslawa Woloshyn and Pati-Ann Lawe.

The members of LUNA from left to right in are Motria Koropecky, Marilyn Kowalchuk, Olga Lang, Yaroslawa Woloshyn and Pati-Ann Lawe.

Ukrainian culture celebrated in costume and song

Ukrainian culture celebrated in costume and song, Sunday, May 24 at the Ukrainian Cultural Centre.

The Luna Ukrainian Ensemble will be presenting a fashion show of traditional costumes, a concert performance and an afternoon tea on Sunday, May 24 at the Ukrainian Cultural Centre.

“Our singing ensemble us fortunate to have inherited a collection of costumes which consists of a wide representation of regional traditional dress, some of which are over one hundred years old,” said Luna member Pati-Ann Lawe. “The embroidery is exquisite and has been well preserved. As a group we have added to the collection in the years we have been presenting this show.”

The members are proud of the rich heritage, which is captured by the costumes.

“We’ll provide detailed descriptions of the process of making each costume, including the making of fabric by itinerant weavers, the region of origin, the uniqueness of the embroidery style, the purpose of the costumes and how they were worn,” Lawe said.

The show has previously run in Victoria and has travelled and has toured the Island, Mainland and as far as the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge in Alberta.

Starts at 2 p.m. on Sunday at the Ukrainian Cultural Centre, 2377 Douglas St. Tickets are $20 at the door or $15 in advance by calling 250-475-2585.




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