Upcoming art events in Burns Lake

Open house, Danny Nielsen in ‘Love.Be.Best.Free.’ and the Lakes District Festival of the Performing Arts  

Open mic coffee house

The sixth ‘open mic coffee house’ of the 2016/17 series will be held on Friday evening, March 3. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the coffee house starts at 7 p.m. The coffee house provides an evening of live entertainment, featuring a number of local performers. Performers are admitted free; audience members pay $5. All profits go to the Lakes Animal Friendship Society. For more information, contact Jim Loeb at james_loeb@hotmail.com.

Danny Nielsen in ‘Love.Be.Best.Free.’

The final performance in the Lakes District Arts Council’s eleventh season takes place at Lakes District Secondary School (LDSS) on Sunday, March 5 at 7:30 p.m. Danny Nielsen is one of Canada’s brightest rising tap dance talents. He has emerged on the international scene, wowing audiences in North America and Europe. In Love.Be.Best.Free, Nielsen brings you his first full-length production. With an electric cast of four male tap dancers, and supported by a trio of musicians and a vocalist, this show is sure to leave you amazed and wanting more. Experience this innovative evening of dance, music and theatre, and find out how far a man will go to find love.

Tickets are now on sale at Process 4 circle arts Gallery, LDFC Printing and Stationery and the Lakes Artisan Centre, and will be available at LDSS the evening of the performance. Watch for our ads in the Lakes District News and posters around town.

Lakes District Festival of the Performing Arts

The sixtieth annual Lakes District Festival of the Performing Arts kicks off on March 8 and 9 with the instrumental section, adjudicated by Laura Hols-Wimbush. All Festival events take place at the Island Gospel Fellowship Hall. Watch for ads in the Lakes District News for more information, or visit http://www.ldfestival.com.



Burns Lake Lakes District News