The opening reception for Works in Acrylic by Fiona Neal, Belonging and Abstract Ambiguities was held last Thursday evening at the Summerland Art Gallery. Painting primarily in acrylics on canvas, the artist produces large vibrant pieces that explore the portrayal of movement, that encourage the viewer to follow the movement within them.

The opening reception for Works in Acrylic by Fiona Neal, Belonging and Abstract Ambiguities was held last Thursday evening at the Summerland Art Gallery. Painting primarily in acrylics on canvas, the artist produces large vibrant pieces that explore the portrayal of movement, that encourage the viewer to follow the movement within them.

Value of public space discussed

Community Spaces, Public Places: What is the value of public space to our community? is the topic of next Wednesday’s Philosophers’ Cafe.

Community Spaces, Public Places: What is the value of public space to our community? is the topic of next Wednesday’s Philosophers’ Cafe at the Summerland Art Gallery beginning at 7 p.m.

Philosophers’ Cafés are community events where everyone is invited to be part of the conversation if they so desire.

Or you can just want to sit back and listen.

Either way you are invited to the Summerland Art Gallery for an evening of meaningful conversation while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea with friends.

Panelists Peter Waterman and Sue Kline will be discussing the many important aspects of space to a community.

While we all use public spaces differently we probably all agree that public spaces such as parks, community centres, libraries, museums, walking and biking trails, help nourish and sustain local culture.

Most people feel that the availability of public space is considered essential to the health and well being of a community.

These spaces provide opportunities for residents to interact and engage with other individuals or in larger group settings.

When thinking of public space in Summerland we have both inside and outside public space.

Memorial Park is probably the outside public space that is most central to our community in so many ways.  We gather as a community to remember on Nov. 11.

We gather for fun and to celebrate at Action Festival and other times of the year.

These events, including the farmer’s market, are part of the local culture that helps create community.

We also have indoor public space.

A prime example being the library. People will come not just to get books or other materials, but to read the paper or use the Internet.

Many who live alone, find it invaluable as it provides a place for social interaction.

Another important public space in our community is Centre Stage Theatre.

We use it for forums, discussions, public hearings and plays, all of which bring us together in community.

You are invited to that public space next week to watch the play Bonnie and Clyde presented by drama students from the high school.

If you’ve never been to a play by our high school you are missing out on a cultural aspect of this town that really does help make it a special place to live in.

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You can find information on other cultural events by checking out the News page of  or by subscribing to the e-version of the Arts Palette.

This Arts Palette column is written by David Finnis, publicity chair and president of the Summerland Community Arts Council,  P.O. Box 1217, 9533 Main St., Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0.


Summerland Review