Kalen Alexandre, of Vibrant Studios, busts a move onstage during a previous performance. He’ll join dancers from 18 other Vancouver Island studios at the Port Theatre for Unite, which is raising money for Fort McMurray families, Tuesday (May 24) at 7 p.m.

Kalen Alexandre, of Vibrant Studios, busts a move onstage during a previous performance. He’ll join dancers from 18 other Vancouver Island studios at the Port Theatre for Unite, which is raising money for Fort McMurray families, Tuesday (May 24) at 7 p.m.

Vancouver Island dancers unite for Fort McMurray families displaced by wildfire

NANAIMO - Dance studios across Vancouver Island host a fundraiser at Nanaimo's Port Theatre to raise money for Fort McMurray families.

Vancouver Island dancers are banding together to help families displaced by the Fort McMurray wildfire.

The dance studios host Unite, in partnership with the Port Theatre, Tuesday (May 24) at 7 p.m. at the theatre.

Serra Stewart, owner of Vibrant Studios, started the momentum for the benefit concert after conversations with her students made her realize how many people in Nanaimo had ties to Fort McMurray. She reached out to dance studios across the Island to volunteer to perform at the event and 18 said yes.

“I’m so happy. I just reached out and everyone said yes,” said Stewart. “It’s super cool. Everyone wants to help out in some way.”

Stewart said she’s never been able to get so many studios together in one location before. The event will feature performances from dancers from Parksville, Port Alberni, Qualicum, Victoria and other Island communities.

Some dance studios were unable to attend, but are sending donations to Red Cross in the name of the event, she said.

Attendees can expect to see a diverse range of styles including hip hop and urban dance from Vibrant Studios and Vibestreet. Other styles include lyrical jazz, ballet, highland dance, contemporary and more.

“I think this is going to be a positive, upbeat show,” said Stewart.

The dance studios include Brigadoon Dance Academy, Carlson’s School of Dance, CR DanceXtreme, Helix, Elite Dance Studio, Harbour Dancentre, M.E.M. Company, Pantuso Dance, Qualicum Beach School of Dance, Innovate Dance Arts, Ilha Ballet Academy, Kirkwood Academy, Rhythm Dance Academy, Stage West, Tempo Dance Academy, Urban Dance Connection, Valley Dance, Vibestreet and Vibrant Studios.

There will also be a silent auction to raise money at the event.

Tickets are by donation. Patrons can reserve their ticket for free and are asked to also make a donation at that time. For tickets call 250-754-8550 or go to www.porttheatre.com.


Nanaimo News Bulletin