Vancouver Island Symphony tells tale of legendary fictitious lover

Vancouver Island Symphony presents excerpts of Don Giovanni during Mozart Spirit concert

Don Giovanni is handsome and reckless.

Giovanni, also known as Don Juan, seduces women in Spain. Wolfgang Mozart, inspired by the legendary fictitious lover, put the tale to music, creating the opera Don Giovanni in 1787.

During an intimate concert that features a 15-member chamber orchestra instead of the full orchestra, the Vancouver Island Symphony will present excerpts from the opera.

While there won’t be operatic singers, Pierre Simard, artistic director of the symphony, will narrate key plot points for the audience. The idea of using the chamber orchestra is to create a more intimate connection with the audience.

The music is presented during the symphony’s upcoming Symphony Soundbites concert, which is Thursday (March 23) at the Port Theatre.

People can choose to either attend the show starting at 5 p.m. and enjoy appetizers prior to a 5:30-6:30 p.m. show or attend a 7:15-8:15 p.m. show and enjoy dessert bites after the show.

Tickets range in price from $33 to $54, $15 for students or $5 for EyeGo available in advance by calling 250-754-8550 or visiting

For more information about Symphony Soundbites, please visit

Nanaimo News Bulletin