Mary-Anne Morgan’s Hello Moon was part of the Vernon Photography Club’s North Shore Photographic Challenge winning submission. (Marry Anne Morgan photography)

Mary-Anne Morgan’s Hello Moon was part of the Vernon Photography Club’s North Shore Photographic Challenge winning submission. (Marry Anne Morgan photography)

Vernon Photography Club brings home gold

Vernon shutterbugs bring home first Okanagan gold in North Shore Photographic Challenge

Local shutterbugs have been working hard to capture moments, and it’s paying off.

The Vernon Photography Club recently took home a gold medal in the North Shore Photographic Challenge, an open-theme competition that showcases the latest digital techniques in abstracts and altered reality, classic landscapes, portraits, nature, architectural compositions and fine art photography.

“Generally, photographers and clubs in the larger urban centres like Vancouver, Coquitlam and the North Shore have had the greatest success in this competition, so for our relatively small Vernon club to earn first place this year is a great accomplishment,” said club president Garrett Bridson.

The North Shore Photographic Challenge brings in photography clubs from across B.C. and the Yukon, for a total of 239 photographers and 26 clubs this year. Carrying the Vernon Photography Club flag this year were members Carol James, Svetlana Shkuratova, Mary Ann Morgan, Dale Eurich, Lois McNiven and Dave Guscott.

And, with each image ranked by three judges and individual scores combined for the team as a whole, the Vernon Photography Club’s gold marks the first Okanagan victory in event history.

“We are very proud of this result, the club members who contributed to the competition, our on-going educational programming, and the positive, challenging but encouraging atmosphere which all of our members have created for our club,” Bridson said.

The Vernon Photography Club, formerly known as the Vernon Camera Club, seeks to inspire members to learn about photography and share their works in an encouraging environment. Members range from beginners to experts, working with everything from top-end DSLR’s to cellphone cameras. For more information, visit

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Vernon Morning Star