Two-in-one exhibition ‘Chromatopia’ and ‘For the Birds’ is a show by members of the Fibre Art Network at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre Art Gallery from Sept. 22 to Oct. 9. (Submitted)

Vibrant 2-in-1 fibre art show in Chilliwack inspired by monochromatic work and birds

'Chromatopia' and 'For the Birds' coming to Chilliwack Cultural Centre art gallery

A two-in-one colourful fibre art show will be landing in the Art Gallery at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre later this month.

Members of Fibre Art Network (FAN) bring ‘Chromatopia’ and ‘For the Birds’ to the O’Connor Group Art Gallery Sept. 22 to Oct. 9.

FAN is a co-operative of self-defined artists based in Western Canada.

‘Chromatopia’ is an exhibition inspired by Picasso’s monochromatic works in his blue period. Each artist was challenged to explore their own theme through the creation of two monochromatic textile artworks using two assigned colour hues.

The exhibition visually explores the colour spectrum. Each set of two pieces (which will be hung in columns of two), are textile/fibre pieces that reflect a unique theme of the individual artist depicted through two distinct monochromatic colour schemes.

Two-in-one exhibition ‘Chromatopia’ and ‘For the Birds’ is a show by members of the Fibre Art Network at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre Art Gallery from Sept. 22 to Oct. 9. (Submitted)

‘For the Birds’ will be shown alongside ‘Chromatopia’. Each artist has interpreted the theme in their own way, and the work depicts an aspect of a bird’s life, interests and interactions with the world it inhabits, or is inspired by a bird-related idiom or adage.

Two-in-one exhibition ‘Chromatopia’ and ‘For the Birds’ is a show by members of the Fibre Art Network at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre Art Gallery from Sept. 22 to Oct. 9. (Submitted)

FAN members include emerging fibre artists, teachers, authors, judges and award-winning textile artists. Many have shown their work nationally and internationally and some have won both national and international recognition for their work.

‘Chromatopia’ and ‘For the Birds’ by members of Fibre Art Network is on display in the Art Gallery at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre from Sept. 22 to Oct. 9. Gallery hours are Wednesday to Saturday from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. plus evenings when there is a concert/show at the centre. There will be a closing reception on Oct. 9 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is free.

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