“Golden Ears Park” by artist Jeanie Shilton

“Golden Ears Park” by artist Jeanie Shilton

Vibrant colours at Timms Gallery art exhibit

The art exhibit titled "Where Prairie Meets West Coast" runs until May 13.

Local artists Lucy Adams and Jeanie Shilton are showcasing their talent at an upcoming exhibit titled Where Prairie Meets West Coast from April 3 to May 13 at the Timms Community Centre.

Both artists use vibrant colour and complimentary styles.

“The inspiration for the West Coast collection was inspired by a trip to Whistler last summer and my love of the beach which goes back to my childhood in New Zealand,” explained Shilton.

Of the vibrant colours, Adams added, “I grew up with the images of stunning yellow fields of Canola in full bloom in early summer – fields that sometimes stretch for miles and as far as the eye can see.”

All art in the exhibit is for sale.

Langley Times