A Fort Langley National Historic Site heritage interpreter, Amandeep Johal, took brave participants around the village for a late night stroll and some spooky tales. (Ryan Uytdewilligen/Langley Advance Times)

A Fort Langley National Historic Site heritage interpreter, Amandeep Johal, took brave participants around the village for a late night stroll and some spooky tales. (Ryan Uytdewilligen/Langley Advance Times)

VIDEO: A spooky stroll through Fort Langley

National Historic Site holds Grave Tales, late night ghost story tours for the Halloween season

It looks to be another sellout year for Grave Tales, an annual walking tour through the historic streets, structures, and even graveyards of Fort Langley.

Amandeep Johal, heritage interpreter at Fort Langley National Historic Site (FLNHS), crafted the tour – collecting an almost countless number of local legends and unexplainabed occurrences.

Grave Tales has run for 13 years, selling out every year and proudly creating sleepless nights for many who have joined in.

“It’s less Friday the 13th and more Blair Witch,” Johal told the crowd before trudging off down Glover Road.

Johal led the tour by lantern, stopping to share some history at the Community Hall, St. George’s Anglican Church, and even the BC Liquor Store – all places people have claimed to have had ghostly encounters.

Read More: Local ghost stories and eerie encounters return in time for Halloween

Three different iterations are offered, a family oriented tour, a two hour long tour, and an adults only one running from 9 p.m. until midnight.

Tour takers got to explore inside FLNHS structures after hours and learn a few nerve racking facts and legends that aren’t commonly shared with guests in the day time.

On the adult only tour, Johal refered to the first half as the “trailers before the feature presentation,” noting that the second half tends to give people more goosebumps.

After taking the tour, participant Mandeep Shah, said he would recommend the tour to everyone. When asked if the stories made him believe in ghosts, Shah said “I’m less skeptical and we’ll leave it at that.”

Grave Tales run until Nov. 3 and there are still a few tickets left.

For more information and to purchase tickets for the tours, people can visit www.brownpaperbag.com.


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Email: ryan.uytdewilligen@langleyadvancetimes.com

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