Connery Naas, 4, takes a photo of his mom, Jennifer, with country musician Dallas Smith during an event at Sea to Sky Motorsports on Jan. 31. Miranda Gathercole Langley Times

Connery Naas, 4, takes a photo of his mom, Jennifer, with country musician Dallas Smith during an event at Sea to Sky Motorsports on Jan. 31. Miranda Gathercole Langley Times

VIDEO: Catching up with Dallas Smith

Country musician shows support for Bell Let's Talk day at Langley event

Country musician Dallas Smith made a hometown appearance in Langley on Jan. 31 at Sea to Sky Motorsports to meet fans, sign autographs and promote Bell Let’s Talk day.

In a break between taking photos with fans, the Langley Times caught up with the Walnut Grove native, who shared insights on why he supports Bell’s mental health campaign, and what’s new in his career, home and family.

Earlier this month Smith earned his fifth No. 1 and fourth consecutive chart topper with the hit Sleepin’ Around on both the Nielsen BDS and Mediabase Country radio charts. In doing so, he has become the first — and only — Canadian country artist in the Nielsen BDS era to have four consecutive No. 1 singles from the same album.

Q: You’re here for Bell Let’s Talk day, is there any particular reason why you are supporting this cause?

A: A lot of people who have been in and out of my life have struggled with those issues (of mental health), and I’ve tried to include it in what I show people about my life. There is a need to be more open about this. I think I can help and lead the charge. People follow me and look up to me, including younger kids, so I’d like to make it more of a normal thing (to talk about) so it’s not so stigmatized.

Q: In terms of your career, you just hit a huge milestone.

A: Yeah, the fourth No. 1 in a row, which has never been done before.

Q: That’s incredible, how do you comprehend that?

A: I don’t know, to me, those things are like great feathers for the cap. It’s great stats to put on the resume and stuff, but for me, it just shows the support that I have for my music, and the friends I have made at radio stations. They’re supporting me like they have with other artists for a long, long time. I think it shows I’m on the right track. Plaques on the wall and things like that — I don’t really care for that stuff. Those kinds of stats show that, yeah, I am on the right track and am touching people’s lives in a good way. It validates that.

Q: If those plaques on the wall aren’t really what does it for you, what is it that does? What gets you there?

A: Asses in seats. There’s so much stuff for people to do, and money is tight for a lot of people. To see people spend their hard earned money to watch me play a show, like they did in Abbotsford (this past November). All those people — my mind was just blown. That’s success to me. Seeing people that you’ve touched with your music and stuff, to have them there and spend their hard earned money.

Q: And now that you’ve blown up across Canada and North America, you’re still calling Langley home. What do you love about Langley?

A: I grew up here in Walnut Grove, and my son lives a block away with his mom, so I want to stay close. I’ve had people try to pressure me to move to Nashville. Would it have helped my career? Maybe a bit, but at the end of the day, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. I want to be close to my kids and my family. And I just love this area of the world. I’ve been to a lot of places and I love it here. We are very, very lucky to live where we do. Even just in Langley — let alone the Lower Mainland — but here in particular.


Langley Times