Crystal Johns used her lunch break to film her audition video for the Vancouver Canucks.

VIDEO: Former Vees anthem singer wants to bring her voice to the Canucks

Crystal Johns made her audition tape during a lunch break

One of Penticton’s favourite anthem singers is hoping her voice can make it onto the ice with the Vancouver Canucks.

Crystal Johns just sent in her audition tape to the Canucks in hopes she could sing, ‘even just once’ for her favourite National Hockey League team.

Johns has been Penticton’s anthem singer for several years, belting out our nation’s song at Vees games, at the Speedway among other venues. Her angelic, powerful voice is a crowd favourite.

“I will never forget my first time on the ice for Young Stars – it was the Canucks vs the (Winnipeg) Jets,” she said about singing at the South Okanagan Events Centre.

“I was in love with the crowd, the stadium, the players, the smell of the ice. It was just so memorable for me and then once the Penticton Vees season started and I got to sing for the Penticton crowd it was incredible. The hype, the dedication of their fans and to be right there at ice level with the team was amazing.”

Johns sang the anthem at the Penticton Vees games for two seasons.

“I cherished every moment and loved watching the game after,” she added.

But then COVID changed everything, taking five jobs from her, including several singing gigs.

As a ticketed welder, a job opportunity on the Coast caused her to move away from her home town in October 2020.

“I can only keep going and hope to experience that same thing one day with the Vancouver Canucks and the Rogers Arena fans,” she said. “It would make one more of my dreams come true.”

READ MORE: Vees forward on NHL watch list

Johns created her audition tape on a break from work.

“I was on my lunch break at Wescan Disposal when I made this video,” she said.

This isn’t the first time she has sent in an audition tape to the Canucks. Her first audition was in 2019 but she didn’t hear anything from them.

“I never give up on my dreams, so yes I am trying again, especially after the recent events with their now former anthem singer.” Mark Donnely was fired by the Canucks in December when he decided to sing the anthem at COVID protests in Vancouver.

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