VIDEO: Orchestra North fundraiser exhibits local talent with international expertise

The trio of musicians gave those in attendance everything they could have hoped for.

By Tom Best

Read more in the June 21 edition of The Interior News.

The Orchestra North Summer Program Fundraiser Concert was held in the Old Church last Saturday evening.

The music was superb and the standing ovation at the end was well deserved.

The trio of musicians gave those in attendance everything they could have hoped for. There were pieces that to the untrained ear came from the depths of the classical jungle that many of us have never heard. There were also adaptations of pieces meant originally for other instruments like the piano but were turned into something wholly fitting for the trio of strings that were expertly played by the artists wielding them.

Roxi Dykstra, artistic director for the summer program, gave the audience the performance of an emcee besides the viola. There were entertaining anecdotes that turned the evening into much more than a nice evening of music. She was also lavish in her praise for the volunteers who had put on the concert and who have helped the program so much in the past.

Dykstra was accompanied by a pair of experts in their own right. Telkwa native Kiri Daust, currently a student at University of Victoria, was on the violin, while Paris, France native Flora Camuzet handled the cello with the talent of the expert she is.

The Summer Camp Strings Program will be held in Smithers from Aug. 6-11 for all levels.

The Winds, Brass and Percussion Program will be held at the same time.

More advanced programs will also be available. For more information or to register check

VIDEO Orchestra North

Smithers Interior News