Village of Queen Charlotte hosting virtual quiz night

Register a team before Sept. 3 to put your local and general knowledge to the test

The Village of Queen Charlotte is bringing the pub quiz to Zoom and Facebook Live.

Following the success of its online Haida GwaiIdol event last week, the village will be hosting a virtual quiz night starting at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 3.

Development services coordinator Eve Stanger told the Observer she has developed the quiz with the help of the interactive presentation software AhaSlides.

Jenny Bulbrook, the development services coordinator who is on maternity leave, will be making a special appearance as the host of the event.

Participants will be asked to log in with their team name and the software will keep score as they answer questions asked by Bulbrook.

Stanger said there will be a Haida Gwaii round of questions and general knowledge as well a few surprises.

There will also be cash prizes for the top three times, though the amount of money up for grabs will be determined closer to the event.

Email to register a team.

ALSO READ: Sarina Kendall, Ailish Bouwman win Haida GwaiIdol 2020

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