‘Virginia Woolf’ moved to Sept.

The Mercury Players’ production of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? has been postponed until September

The Mercury Players’ production of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? has been postponed until September due to technical difficulties, according to a statement from producer Cathy Schmidt.

“Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to try and get this show on stage, however the cast and crew are excited to have the opportunity to put this show on stage in September! So stay tuned for the new show dates!” Schmidt wrote.

The show had originally been slated to open March 30.

To obtain a refund on tickets or exchange them for tickets to the September date of the show contact Jennifer Lally at 250-732-1932.

To find out more about the Mercury Players visit www.mercuryplayers.org.

Cowichan Valley Citizen