Virtual exhibition at the MAC features an iPad

Parksville: Visual artist takes painting to a whole new level using technonolgy and professional painter apps

Brian Middleton’s Finger Paintings on the iPad will be exhibited at the MAC March 29.

Brian Middleton’s Finger Paintings on the iPad will be exhibited at the MAC March 29.


Brian Middleton has been creating art for 40 years, but in the past three months his work has taken a distinctly different turn.

Middleton tried using Apple software to create art about 20 years ago, but didn’t feel the medium was anywhere near the experience of using brushes and pencils, he said. But everything has changed with the new professional painter apps from iPad, and an exhibition at the McMillan Arts Centre (the MAC) will feature his Finger-Paintings on the iPad on March 29.

“I like it because it’s taking painting to a whole new level for me personally,” said the Parksville artist, adding it’s not for everyone. “If you happen to like draftsmanship and colour and all of that, and you have the skills and the technical ability to use a computer, and you’re not afraid of it, it’s a wonderful resource.”

Middleton said other internationally recognized artists are starting to embrace the technology and are featuring their iPad paintings in major exhibitions around the world.

Middleton is currently creating work focused on light and reflections as well as using the iPad to explore work by iconic master artists.

At the MAC Middleton will have a virtual exhibition using a high definition projector and will do a live demonstration of iPad painting. He’ll also show a brief history of his artwork over the last 40 years and there will be some framed hard copies using a new type of framing called Face Framing, which is done on plexiglass. This gives the look of an iPad lit up, Middleton explained.

There will be live piano music by Dave Klinger and refreshments at the event.

Tickets are $5 at the door, which open at 7 p.m. and the show runs from 7:30 to 9:30. For more on Middleton and his artwork visit





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