Vocal soloist Ingrid Mapson impresses audiences

Local singer performed songs from her new CD, Rhythms of the Heart

By Dennis Tupman

Last week 100 Mile House professional singer Ingrid Mapson sang her heart out to appreciative audiences, at Parkside Arts Gallery, and at Len and Cathryn Aune’s home for a house music event.

The concerts certainly showcased her wide range of skills in the varied music she sang in three different languages, all by memory – a prodigious accomplishment.

Ingrid, mother of four home-schooled children, has managed to pursue her lifelong dream of being both a caring and involved wife, mother and a professional singer, locally and elsewhere.

Her passionate and expressive delivery certainly captured the audience who gave her a standing ovation after the concerts, which were well over an hour-and-a-half of solo singing.

She has been working with a professional manager in the Lower Mainland, and has received positive reviews for her work in the standard pop, jazz, and show tunes.

Her varied program featured some songs from her newly released CD, Rhythms of the Heart, available from her personally at Parkside Art Gallery, on her website (www.ingridmapson.com) and online at iTunes.

Local musicians, pianist Donna Forward and guitarist Peter Thorne, provided impressive and sensitive accompaniments for Mapson.

We are indeed fortunate in 100 Mile House to have such dedicated and talented artists in many media.

100 Mile House, while possibly challenged economically, can take heart in the abundance of musicians and artists who give so much to make our little community so livable and soulful.


100 Mile House Free Press