Vocalist adjudicator for the Performing Arts Festival in Vanderhoof

Kevin Zakresky has been the musical director for the Prince George symphony since 2002

Kevin Zakresky

Kevin Zakresky

Kevin is the musical director of the Prince George Symphony Orchestra since 2002 and conductor of the Pacifica Singers. He attended UBC and Yale where he completed his doctorate in Choral Conducting in spring 2012 and is now the head of the voice department at the Vancouver Symphony School of Music and founding director of Orpheum Voices, a festival chorus based in Vancouver. He taught conducting at the School for Contemporary Arts, Simon Fraser University, and recently made a CBC broadcast debut conducting Monteverdi with the Vancouver Chamber Choir and the Vancouver Chamber Orchestra.

Although this will be his first time adjudicating in Vanderhoof he has been to the community many times since he grew up in Prince George.

“I would not be what I am today if I grew up in a bigger centre. I got to thrive in the arts and music and people here give you a chance, one I might not have got if I grew up in Vancouver (the place he now lives),” he said.  What Kevin looks for in a great performance is enthusiasm and a love of music and performing.

“Those are the types of things I like to support and see everywhere I go,” he said.

Kevin has adjudicated in Fort St. John, Prince George, Williams Lake, 100 Mile House, Chilliwack, Burns Lake, Smithers, Terrace, Nanaimo and Calgary to name a few places. Typically he goes to about four or five festivals each year.

“It’s nice to get out and meet new people through the province, especially in Northern BC because we are their symphony,” he said. Kevin has already taken a glance at the pieces everyone is singing and is excited about the choices. 

“It looks like it’s a really thriving vocal community and that’s nice, because your promised to be entertained and meet some vibrant young people.”

Kevin will be adjudicating for the vocalist portion of the Performing Arts Festival Wednesday, March 11.


Vanderhoof Omineca Express