Want a free movies pass?

Every member of the Lakes District Film Society will have an opportunity early next month to take home a free movie pass.

Every member of the Lakes District Film Society will have an opportunity early next month to take home a free movie pass.

To earn that free ticket, all film society members have to do is attend the organization’s annual general meeting scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 1, at 6:30 p.m. in the basement of the Burns Lake Public Library.

On the Nov. 1 agenda will be a report from the directors, presentation of the society’s 2011 financial statements, and the election of directors and officers.

Nine seats on the board will be up for grabs at the meeting. While it’s possible that many members of the current executive will be re-elected, the society is guaranteed to have a new president after Nov. 1.

Michael Riis-Christianson, who has served in that capacity since the society’s incorporation in 2009, has indicated he will not be seeking re-election.

“My current work commitments don’t allow me to dedicate as much time to society affairs as I would like,” he explained. “However, it’s been an honor to serve the film society, and I’m very proud of what our board of directors has managed to achieve in three short years. Thanks to the support of our more than 100 members and the community as a whole, we’ve successfully reopened the Beacon Theatre as Canada’s third community-owned cinema – and one of the best equipped theatres in Northern British Columbia.”

Riis-Christianson encouraged local residents – and particularly film society members – to attend the upcoming annual general meeting (AGM).

“This is your opportunity to learn about the society’s activities in the past year, and have direct input into the operation of the Beacon Theatre in 2013,” he noted. “And remember, it’s our society’s policy that every member who attends the AGM receive a free pass to any film shown at the Beacon.

So come out, participate in society affairs, and earn a free ticket to the movies.”


Burns Lake Lakes District News