For the Townsman The new season of the Cranbrook Community Theatre is about the get underway, with the presentation of “Making God Laugh,” opening at the Studio Stage Door in Cranbrook Oct. 9. The play is directed by Trevor Lundy. Pictured is the family photo. Left to right: Gina, Melodie, David, Michael and Woody.

For the Townsman The new season of the Cranbrook Community Theatre is about the get underway, with the presentation of “Making God Laugh,” opening at the Studio Stage Door in Cranbrook Oct. 9. The play is directed by Trevor Lundy. Pictured is the family photo. Left to right: Gina, Melodie, David, Michael and Woody.

Want to Know How to Make God Laugh?

Cranbrook Community Theatre’s dramatic season — with a family theme — kicks off with moving, madcap comedy Oct. 9.

For the Townsman

There’s no place like home for the holidays.  Families gather to feast, laugh, visit and enjoy each others company.  In a perfect world everyone gets along and things run as smoothly as an old episode of the Waltons.

But … in the real world, life doesn’t always work out that way.

This October 9, the Cranbrook Community Theatre launches its family-themed season with the comedy “Making God Laugh” by Sean Grennan.

Directed by Trevor Lundy, the play follows empty-nesters Ruthie and Bill and their grown children through the course of more than three decades of family gatherings.

Overbearing and manipulative Ruthie, played beautifully by veteran performer Melodie Hull manages each holiday with precision, making sure all of the family traditions are adhered to.

Bill, her long suffering and patient spouse is played with aplomb by newcomer Michael Prestwich.

Together they decorate and prep for the gatherings, awkwardly attempting to understand and to parent their grown children.

At times madcap with lots of nostalgic humor thrown in, “Making God Laugh” looks back on the trends of the 1980s, ’90s and into the new millennium, through the antics of the three adult children, Richard (played by David Booth), Thomas (played by Woody Maguire) and Maddie (played by Gina Martin).  They show up to each event resplendent in the fads of the day, sharing big dreams and lofty goals with the family.

And as the decades pass the show’s title begins to make sense. As the saying goes, if you want to make God laugh, you tell Him your plans.

Life doesn’t always turn out the way they hope, and as each holiday comes and goes the audience gets a clearer understanding of the relationships between the characters.

Funny, moving and madcap at times, Making God Laugh is certain to entertain.  Featuring a cast made up entirely of talent new to the Cranbrook Community Theatre, with the notable exception of Melodie Hull, “Making God Laugh” brings a fresh and new energy to this first performance of the new season.

The show runs Oct. 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24 at the Studio/Stage Door, Showtime 8 pm.

Tickets are available at Lotus Books or at the door.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman