Terry Thomas (left), Kelly Thompson, and Jessica Coates are part of the Deathtrap cast. Courtesy Shannon Pauls

Terry Thomas (left), Kelly Thompson, and Jessica Coates are part of the Deathtrap cast. Courtesy Shannon Pauls

WATCH: Theatre in the Country presents a plot full of twists and turns

Deathtrap runs from April 4 to 20 at Theatre in the Country.

Murder of all sorts will be happening at Langley’s Theatre in the Country production of Deathtrap that runs until April 20.

The comic-thriller promises planned, committed, and revenged murder with a plot full of surprises.

Deathtrap follows the story of Sidney Bruhl, a successful Broadway writer, who is trying overcome a dry spell. Sidney receives a script from a student in the seminar he’s been teaching, and recognizes it as a potential Broadway hit.

“The older playwright [Sidney] has the idea to kill the younger playwright and steal the idea of his own. But there’s a fair amount of twists and turns throughout the play,” explained Terry Thomas, who plays the role of Sidney.

“I would say he’s [Sidney] bombastic, ego-centric, and a narcissistic type of person that doesn’t care who he hurts to get ahead.”

According to Thomas, the play is a “play within a play.”

“As an actor, that’s a wonderful challenge to maintain your character throughout all the twists and turns.”

Thomas is a theatre veteran, as his first production on stage was when he was in Grade 9 and in a production of Annie: The Musical.

All throughout high school, Thomas participated in theatre, but drifted away from it for about 15 years before returning once again to stages in Langley and the surrounding area in 2008.

“I always missed it, it was always a part of me, and always something I enjoyed,” added Thomas, who lives in Langley, but works in New Westminster.

Deathtrap is the first production that Thomas has performed in with Theatre in the Country, and he said he’s enjoyed the experience so far.

“It’s been great. It’s a little different because of the dinner. Everyone’s committed and passionate about what they’re doing.”

Thomas has lived in Langley since 1998, and has been in shows with the Surrey Little Theatre, Langley Players, and White Rock players.

And although Thomas is taking on a role of a sinister character, he said, “being evil is fun.”

“He’s [Sidney] a great character because he’s over the top and unconcerned about other peoples’ feelings.”

One of the biggest challenge for Thomas has been the way the theatre is arranged.

“The audience surrounds you, so there’s no way to hide. You’re there no matter what,” he explained.

Other Langley thespians are also in the cast including Thomas Smith as Clifford and Mike Parker as Porter.

Deathtrap is a classic, and it rises above other plays of a similar vein because it pokes such clever and dastardly fun at the very genre it is firmly apart of,” added Reg Parks, Theatre in the Country founder and show producer.

Deathtrap plays at 5708 Glover Rd., until April 20.

Discount tickets are available on Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

For more tickets and show times, visit theatreinthecountry.com or call 604-259-9737.

Langley Times