Week of flamenco heats up City

For the third year in a row, Victoria’s Centennial Square is exploding with the passion and rhythm of flamenco music and dance.

For the third year in a row, Victoria’s Centennial Square is exploding with the passion and rhythm of flamenco music and dance.

The third annual Flamenco Festival of Victoria runs Aug. 10 to 16, showcasing local and regional dancers, singers and guitarists collaborating to bring their love of this fiery art form to the stage in the square. Be inspired at the mid-week por fiesta lunch-hour performances, and invigorated on Saturday and Sunday afternoons with the powerful line-up of local, regional, aspiring and professional flamenco artists.

The festival, hosted by the Flamenco de la Isla Society, includes many free performances in Centennial Square as well as workshops at Dance Victoria studios.

Fin de Fiesta, an Ontario-based professional touring flamenco collective, performs Saturday, Aug. 15 at 5 p.m.

Flamenco de la Costa which features singers and dancers who began their flamenco studies in Tofino and Ucluelet, via Victoria and Spain performs Aug. 11 at noon.

Soul of Spain, a traditional flamenco ensemble with guitar, song and dance performs  Aug. 13 at noon.

For more details and a full schedule of performances, go to victoriaflamencofestival.com.



Victoria News