West Coast sea life inspires pair of artists

An artistic collaboration between glass crafter Christopher Smith and metal sculptor Dave Kasprick is on display until June 8 at (TOSH).

The artists who both have studios in Nanoose Bay figured their art pieces would fit well together so the pair teamed up and created an incredible sculpture that highlights west coast sea life, elements both of them like to incorporate into their work .

Kasprick said the piece which includes his metal kelp and other elements and Smith’s glass sockeye is definitely unique and working with Smith on it was a great experience.

“Chris Smith approached me with his sockeye salmon he wanted to do and at first it started off with just eel grass holding them up but he left it in my hands … so we came up with the eel grass, the Dungeness crab and then the whimsical bull kelp,” Kasprick explained.

Kasprick agreed it was a fun project to put together.

“Chris was awesome to work with and the pieces just came together.  it was a good experience for me and it ended up being a pretty wild looking piece,” he admitted.

Kasprick said it would be cool to collaborate again with Smith who he said is always experimenting with glass.

“I like that he goes in different directions.  That is what I want to do … keep on changing.”

Kasprick also likes to learn from other artisans and he is hoping some of his forging friends will be on hand during his upcoming open house June 8 and 9 to show off their blacksmithing techniques.

“It will be a demo weekend.  People can ask questions and see how the forge works,” he advised.

It will also be a fundraiser for the Nanoose Bay food bank.  Each month, the Nanoose Bay Community Cupboard provides a week’s worth of food for up to 100 local residents and Kasprick agreed supplies are needed throughout the year.

“I am sure the food bank needs help and hopefully I can help them out a little bit right now.”

Kasprick will be donating 10% of his open house sales to the Community Cupboard.

The forge will be fired up June 8 and 9 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at  2155 Spur Place in Nanoose Bay.  Call 250-468-7489 or visit www.redcodforge.ca.



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