WEST SHORE ARTS COUNCIL: Classical festive music comes to the West Shore

The more music, the merrier music

With the holiday season just around the corner, one way get in the festive spirit is to attend the Sooke Philharmonic’s Festive Harmony concert, coming to Colwood on Dec. 6.

“It is very exciting to have the Philharmonic Chamber Players and Chorus performing on the West Shore. This local group will bring a nice touch of classical music to a beautiful venue in our community,” said Laura Davis, president of the West Shore Arts Council.

Norman Nelson and the Sooke Philharmonic Chamber Players will perform in Royal Roads University’s Quarterdeck Ballroom along with the Sooke Philharmonic Chorus, under new choral director Nicholas Fairbank. The performers will showcase several well-known works by Handel, namely “Water Music Suite No. 1 in F” and selections from “Messiah,” one of the most frequently performed choral works in Western music. Returning soloist Nancy Washeim will be featured in “Messiah,” which was originally written as an Easter offering but is now also a musical rite of the holiday season.

Also on the program are movements from “Suite No.2 in B minor” by Johann Sebastian Bach, and the third movement of his “Concerto for two Violins in D minor,” known as the “Bach Double” – one of his most famous works and considered one of the best examples of the late Baroque period. This piece will highlight two young sisters: Robin and Marijn Butterfield.

The “B Minor Suite,” also known as the “Flute Suite,” will feature flautist Patricia Hollister. This piece is vibrant and fast-paced, leaning towards the entertainment side of pure music. This suite gave Bach the opportunity to write for transverse flute, which, at that time, had only recently become a fashionable instrument.

The evening also includes a door prize, a piece of metal artwork created and donated by local artisan, Bev Petow.

The Royal Roads concert starts at 2:30 p.m. this Sunday. For those unable to attend, an evening performance at Sooke Baptist Church goes at 7:30 p.m. Saturday.

Tickets are available online at sookephil.ca, or at the door. Youth aged 16-under are free. For a list of ticket outlets or more information, visit the website or call 250-419-3569.

Kristi Hoffman’s column appears on behalf of the West Shore Arts Council.

Goldstream News Gazette