Carolina Sanchez de Bustemante opens the doors to her Ashpa Naira Gallery on the westside of Okanagan Lake for an open house/exhibition Nov. 15 and 16.

Carolina Sanchez de Bustemante opens the doors to her Ashpa Naira Gallery on the westside of Okanagan Lake for an open house/exhibition Nov. 15 and 16.

Westside art gallery closes with open house

The 2014 art season is coming to a close at Ashpa Naira Gallery with its annual weekend open house, exhibition and sale.

The 2014 art season is coming to a close at Ashpa Naira Gallery, but not before the gallery opens its doors one more time for its annual weekend open house, exhibition and sale.

Entitled Mysterious Circle, the showcase of contemporary artwork features jewelry, glass, leather, pottery, masks, textiles, candles and candle holders, ceramic murals and tiles as well as paintings and sculptures, all created by Okanagan and Canadian artists.

“This year, the artists roster has grown at Ashpa Naira Gallery,” said owner/artist Carolina Sanchez de Bustamante. “Among them are Marlene McPherson, with her visually exciting monoprints using a paper that is made from stones; Winnipeg architectural artist and muralist Michel Saint Hilaire; our own Vernon artist  Michelle Sorensen, with her sensitive and stunning sculptural glass, as well as the Austrian trained blacksmith Patrick McIvor from the Kootenays.”

In the working studio where Sanchez de Bustamante creates her original designed tile  floors, fireplaces, murals and sculpture, a new line of modern architectural ceramics will be shown.

Visitors can also enter Ashpa Naira’s tapestry studio and follow the stages involved in the making of a tapestry in a high-warp loom.

“Visitors can also encounter the beauty and functionality of art in a home and garden environment, filled with original art work from emerging and established artists and artisans, where they can learn, explore and appreciate art, and find that unique gift or add to their art collection,” said Sanchez de Bustamante

The open house and exhibition takes place Nov. 15 and 16 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Ashpa Naira Gallery, located on the westside of Okanagan Lake. Admission is free. Call or visit for more information.



Vernon Morning Star