Raven is by Invermere-based photographer and metal sculptor George Oliver, whose work is currently on display at Pynelogs.

Raven is by Invermere-based photographer and metal sculptor George Oliver, whose work is currently on display at Pynelogs.

Whaazup at Pynelogs: New artists, new show

Well, our first featured artist show of the season has come and gone.

Well, our first featured artist show of the season has come and gone, and by the time you read this, dearest art appreciator, we will have already hung the second artist showcase art show down here at Pynelogs Cultural Centre.

Following the success of the first show, our new collection includes work from six talented local artists, featuring everything from ceramics, sculpture and photography to ink drawing, oil painting and mixed media collage.

Long time valley potter, Alice Hale, has been teaching herself the craft for over 35 years. Alice’s work is fired primarily in reduction, but she also creates pieces in raku and even fires some of her works in sawdust smoke to create truly unique works of art.

Invermere’s George Oliver will be displaying both photography and metal sculpture work. George works as a carpenter and woodworker, but soon hopes to devote more time to his art as it gains in popularity.

Mary Kate Woodward moved to the Kootenays over 10 years ago, but has been creating unique ink drawings and teaching art long before the relocation. Drawing has been part of Mary Kate’s life for as long as she can remember, and her work can be found in collections all over the world.

Bill DesBrisay grew up in Saskatchewan and, after a career in the oil patch, retired to the Columbia Valley. His oil paintings have become a staple in any Purcell Mountain Painters art show, and perfectly demonstrate his love of the entire painting process from a fledgling idea to the finished piece.

Mixed media collage artist Carney Oudendag is quite well known in the Columbia Valley for her interesting and unique style of art. She currently lives in both Calgary and the Columbia Valley and spends her free time collecting objects to use in her next collage.

Neal Panton is a former photojournalist who has worked for Reuters and the Associated French Press. He has taught photography in Ecuador and has been published in 25 countries worldwide. His photographs contain unique lines and lighting, which help create the emotional response so many people have to his work.

The show will run from Tuesday (July 3) until Sunday, July 15 with the artist opening evening on Wednesday (July 4) right here at Pynelogs from 7 to 9 p.m. That’s tonight people! Come on down!



Invermere Valley Echo