Vancouver-based band, Sean Cronin’s Very Good, will be appearing at Pynelogs Cultural Centre on Tuesday (July 31).

Vancouver-based band, Sean Cronin’s Very Good, will be appearing at Pynelogs Cultural Centre on Tuesday (July 31).

Whaazup at Pynelogs: Zany sounds by Cronin

Vancouver-based band, Sean Cronin’s Very Good, will be appearing at Pynelogs Cultural Centre on Tuesday (July 31).

Vancouver-based band, Sean Cronin’s Very Good, is once again touring Western Canada and will be appearing at Pynelogs Cultural Centre on Tuesday (July 31). Cronin, the band’s lead vocalist and bassist, recently moved form Vancouver to New York City, and is excited to be bringing his music back to his native soil.

He has played a variety of genres with a variety of musicians, and all of his musical experiences have helped shape his own music. With influences including Bjork, Leonard Cohen, Johnny Cash, Nirvana and Duke Ellington, calling Very Good’s music eclectic wouldn’t do it justice.

“If I had to describe it, which I’d rather not, I would say it’s like a trip between various North American approaches to songwriting,” he said. “Songs are a vehicle of creativity. When you mix conventional approaches of songwriting with unconstrained creativity, the result can be pretty explosive!”

The music is at times zany, and is being pegged as “an absurd Molotov cocktail of rock, theatre and jazz that will blow us all back to the motherland.” The rest of the band is made up of Martin Reisle on classical guitar, cello and vocals, Evan Arntzen on woodwinds and vocals, Meredith Bates on violin, viola and vocals, Tom Wherret on guitar and vocals and Andrew Millar on drums. They are currently touring to promote their two recent CDs, playfully titled Sean Cronin’s Very Good? and Sean Cronin’s Very Good!

The show is taking place at Pynelogs Cultural Centre on Tuesday (July 31) at 8 p.m. Tickets are $17 in advance or $20 at the door. For tickets, please call Pynelogs at 250-342-4423.


Invermere Valley Echo