Remembrance Day in Prince Rupert.

Remembrance Day in Prince Rupert.

What to do in Rupert this weekend: Nov. 11-13

Wondering what to do this long weekend in Prince Rupert? We've got you covered.

Remembrance Day Memorial Service

The service takes place at 10:45 a.m. at the cenotaph at the Provincial Courthouse Grounds. For more information contact the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 250-622-2917

Kwe English Haida Dancer’s Potluck Dinner

To commemorate finishing a regalia making project supported by the Canada Counsel for the Arts the Kwe Unglis Dancers are hosting a potluck.

The event will also honour First Nations Veterans and organizers are looking for electronic photos and names of First Nations Veterans.

Dinner is from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the Nisga’a Hall. Contact Margaret for more information at 250-600-6857

Live music with Joanne Archer

Singer-songwriter Joanne Archer will be playing at the CARGO kitchen and bar on Friday from 8 p.m. until 11 p.m. There is no cover. Call 250-624-8444 for more information.

CHSS junior girls volleyball zones

The junior girls volleyball team at Charles Hays Secondary School will have their shot at the zone title this weekend at home.

The team will play games from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., with the finals being played at 3 and 4 p.m.

Highway cleanup

In one of the last cleanups of the year, residents are being encouraged to come out and help Positive Prince Rupert clean up the city on Sunday afternoon.

The cleanup will start at noon and the group will meet in the BC Hydro parking lot. The goal is clean the area on the highway from the Lester Centre up to the SPCA.

Basketball referee certification

Become a trained basketball referee, there will be a Level 1 course at the civic centre on Sunday from 9 am to 4 p.m.

It’s an introductory course that will make you a trained referee and well on your way to becoming certified.

To register, contact Yvonne Campbell: or Adam Prytula: or call 250-847-5211, ext. 29.

The Northern View