What’s spinning in Nelson?

Soup has played the Pagoda stage at Shambhala and now he’s taking the stage Friday at Spiritbar with Deekline.

DJ Soup has played Shambhala's Pagoda stage and is headed to Spiritbar in Nelson on Friday night.

DJ Soup has played Shambhala's Pagoda stage and is headed to Spiritbar in Nelson on Friday night.

Soup has played the Pagoda stage at Shambhala and now he’s taking the stage Friday at Spiritbar with Deekline. Christine Hunter, ricardO Hubbs and Britz Robins of Shambhala caught up with him before he takes the stage.

1. Your career as a DJ has been in tandem with an entire stage at Shambhala. How does the Pagoda stage reflect your style?

In some ways it does and some ways it doesn’t. I try to book a diverse lineup across a broad spectrum of music but my DJ sets are a much more specific sound.

2. If your music were soup, what would be the recipe?


3. In your opinion, how has the Kootenay electronic music scene evolved with Shambhala?

It definitely brought an interest from international talent. A lot of the DJs that play Shambhala end up becoming famous. The scene is always changing, when Shambhala started, 90s disco house and trance and jungle were popular, then years later breaks electro and speed garage were the big thing, now everyone likes bass music and trip hop and moombaton. I have a feeling by next year it will be back to disco house and jungle.

4. You were recently in Europe and had the chance to DJ a live set that was broadcasted world wide. How was that experience?

It was at RTR radio and was a lot of fun. They had a screen in front of the turntables that showed comments of people tuned in. It was cool to interact with them. Even though I was alone in the studio it felt like there were people there.

5. How was it creating a track with your son?

I let him play around with my gear but haven’t made any tracks with him “yet.”

6. What’s next for DJ Soup?

I have a show at the Royal on April 14 with “Love and Light” from the Burning Man area. They play extremely cool funky bass music. Come check it out. Also on April 28 Fort Knox 5 will be playing at the Spiritbar.


Nelson Star