Bassoonist George Zukerman and visual artist Jim Adams were among artists celebrated Monday as 'Community Inspirations.'

Bassoonist George Zukerman and visual artist Jim Adams were among artists celebrated Monday as 'Community Inspirations.'

White Rock council celebrates artists

Nationally and internationally known artists with ties to White Rock were celebrated by the city Monday.

A baker’s dozen of arts-centric individuals and organizations were celebrated by White Rock council as ‘community inspirations’ Monday.

The list of nationally and internationally known honourees was far from complete, Mayor Baldwin noted in recognizing the 13 artists in attendance and another nine who were invited but were unable to attend.

As with an athlete recognition event held in October, there are “too many to do all in one go,” he said.

But, he added, efforts are underway to create a permanent and public tribute for all the names; a commemorative wall or sidewalk plaque are among options being considered.

“Tonight is really a night of celebration,” Baldwin said.

About 100 people turned out for the occasion, which preceded the evening’s regular council meeting and included a performance by Spiral Dance Company students.

Spiral’s artisitic director, Loretta Sramek, was among those highlighted.

Others chosen for the artists’ event were Haida carver Robert Davidson; bassoonist George Zukerman; ‘Mr. O’Canada’ Mark Donnelly; painter/sculptor Elizabeth Hollick; White Rock Players’ Club (represented by Dave Baron); musician Jodi Proznick; painters Sheila Symington, Deborah Putnam and Serge DubĂ©; visual artists Chris MacClure and Jim Adams; and ceramic artist Don Hutchinson.

Artists noted but unable to attend were writers W.P. Kinsella, Wayne Ralph and Brian Brett; musicians Randy Bachman, Ra McGuire and Dave Proznick; painters Robert Genn and Don Li-Leger; and fibre artist Pauline Dutkowski.

“We’re honoured to have each of you here this evening,” Baldwin said.

“You truly are inspirations.”

Peace Arch News