White Rock-raised country singer Kristin Carter is one of nine semi-finalists chosen in a SiriusXM/Canadian Country Music Association competition. Contributed photo

White Rock-raised country singer Kristin Carter is one of nine semi-finalists chosen in a SiriusXM/Canadian Country Music Association competition. Contributed photo

White Rock country singer up for national prize

Nation-wide voting begins May 17

White Rock-raised country singer Kristin Carter is a semifinalist in the Top of the Country music competition – a nationwide search for Canada’s next country star sponsored by SiriusXM and the Canadian Country Music Association.

Top prize in the contest is $25,000.

Carter, a former choir singer who began her professional solo career only after completing her degree in economics from Dalhousie University, broke into the country-music scene last year playing high-profile festivals like Sunfest and the Red Truck: Truck Stop Concert Series, and teaming with producer Jeff Johnson.

One of nine semifinalists chosen, she will be eligible for public voting across Canada from May 17 to June 6 at topcountry.siriusxm.ca

If Carter makes it to finals, she will have the opportunity to perform at the Big Valley Jamboree in Camrose, Alta., and either the Cavendish Beach Music Festival in PEI or a festival in Ontario, as well as participating in a SOCAN songwriting camp in Nashville, and a mentoring session with industry professionals in Toronto.

North Delta Reporter