Wild artists take faces off at Vaults Gallery

An intriguing new art exhibit is opening Monday, June 15, at the Vaults Gallery at Cranbrook Photo on Baker Street.

The MBSS art exhibit ‘Face-Off’ runs at the Vaults Gallery at Cranbrook Photo June 15-18.

The MBSS art exhibit ‘Face-Off’ runs at the Vaults Gallery at Cranbrook Photo June 15-18.

Barry Coulter

An intriguing new art exhibit is opening Monday, June 15,  at the Vaults Gallery at Cranbrook Photo on Baker Street.

“Face-Off” is the theme of a Mount Baker Secondary School project, featuring dozens of works by students in the visual arts program. The exhibit runs through the week until June 18.

The show is largely composed of work by Grade 11 and 12 students, thought there are some Grade 10s’ pieces as well, Art Teacher Cheryl Wilkinson said.

Wilkinson told the students their pieces could be on anything that two-word term ‘Face-Off’ implies.

“It can have to do with hockey, or any other combat sport,” she said. “But it also has to do with removing the surface of something — if you’re looking at people’s homes, for example, when the ‘face’ is off something, and you can see inside, it’s not always what it seems on the outside.”

“It can be taken very literally, like the cross-section of an animal and what you’re seeing on the inside. Or it can be a more philosophical approach. Or it can be a play on faces. We did a bunch of selfies and some of their art has to do with selfies.

“It’s trying to diverge from your typical self-portrait exhibit to something that’s a little more fun for the students.”

There is also an exhibit on the theme of road rage, Wilkinson said.

The Vaults Gallery is a recent development at Cranbrook Photo on Baker Street in downtown Cranbrook.

“It’s very kind of them to offer their space to the students,” Wilkinson said.

A gala opening is set for Monday evening, June 15, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. The event will feature a performance or installation piece courtesy of the art program’s studio class.

“I asked them to do either a performance piece or an installation piece,” Wilkinson said. “So they’re co-ordinating that, and arranging for actors if needed. It’s just for that night.”

Cranbrook Daily Townsman