Veteran rockers XLR8 will provide the music at the 15th annual Wildcat tournament dance.

Veteran rockers XLR8 will provide the music at the 15th annual Wildcat tournament dance.

Wildcat Dance with XLR8!

The Campbell River Women’s Wildcat Hockey League’s 15th annual tournament presents a “Rock ‘n Roll Extravaganza”

The Campbell River Women’s Wildcat Hockey League’s 15th annual tournament presents a “Rock ‘n Roll Extravaganza” dance with XLR8 at the Willow Point Sportplex, Saturday.

XLR8 brings their big sound, big lights, big drums, big fun for an entertaining rock show with music from the 70’s, 80’s thru to todays hits.

Five seasoned musicians with a 16 year history make up XLR8: Mr. D on vocals and& guitars known for getting the crowd to sing along; Billy Young on guitars and vocals; Johnny B, an award winning drummer of Sweeney Todd/Roxy Roller fame; Rick Bossom known, for his part in The Pink Floyd Tribute All In All on keyboards and the newest member, Campbell River’s own George M formerly of Mr. Completely on bass.

Tickets are $15 available at Pedal Your World, Western Equipment and Melinda at 250-202-0897.

Campbell River Mirror