Windborn and Joal Kamps playing at Creston’s Snoring Sasquatch

Creston Snoring Sasquatch arts and music house will host a double-header on March 31, featuring Windborn and Joal Kamps...

Windborn (Jeff Pike, top) and Joal Kamps (above) play at the Snoring Sasquatch on March 31.

Windborn (Jeff Pike, top) and Joal Kamps (above) play at the Snoring Sasquatch on March 31.

Creston Snoring Sasquatch arts and music house will host a double-header on March 31, featuring the music of Windborn and Joal Kamps.

Windborn is acoustic alternative music like you’ve never heard it before, a simply massive one-man show involving guitar, kick drum, looping pedals, vocals and other hand percussion.

Windborn is Jeff Pike’s solo acoustic project. Pike has been writing and performing his music under the name of Windborn since 2006 and under other band names since 2001. In January 2010, he released an EP, Radiate, online and in April 2011 he released his full-length album, Spitting Bullets online and on CD.

In December 2011, Pike packed everything into storage and hit the road full-time to focus entirely on his music. He is consistently booked into every type of venue and festival, sharing the stage with every type of band from folk and world fusion to hard rock and metal. Somehow the music of Windborn fits everywhere and seems to be appreciated by everyone. It’s a difficult thing to explain. You may just need to witness it at a Windborn gig.

“Windborn won over our international crowd almost immediately and even had people stopping at our windows to listen,” said Tim from Victoria’s Ocean Island Café Lounge. “We want him to play here as much as possible before he becomes too big for our little venue.”

“When Jeff pulled up to the venue, I began to help him unload his equipment and gear. I was impressed by just how much he was able to cram in such a small vehicle,” said Ryan Raudebaugh of After the Grind coffee house in Blackfalds, Alta. “Even more impressive was the full, rich, dynamic sound coming out of just one person once Windborn took the stage. No shortage of talent, creativity or passion. We’ll definitely look to have Jeff play again in the future.”

For more information, visit his website,

Before his career in music, Joal Kamps spent four years traveling around the world in search of adventure and the ever-elusive “self”. Perhaps that’s what makes his songs resonate with the sojourner in all of us. By blending storytelling with songwriting, Kamps creates music that is described as Rocky Mountain folk-pop.

“Joal’s music brings back sweet memories of the coffeehouse days in the ’60s,” said film and TV actor Danny Glover. “I absolutely loved it. Great sound!”

“We are drowning in a sea of auto-tuned, candy-coated, cookie-cutter, manufactured pop stars today, and Joal is a life preserver in that sea,” said Craig Learmont, owner of MuzikHaus Records. “He writes. He plays. He tells stories. He cares. He can sing both lead and harmony with ease. He books his own shows. He pounds the pavement and is serious about moving forward in his career.”

For more information, visit his website,

The doors open at 7 p.m. and the show begins at 8. Advance tickets are $10 at Kingfisher Used Books and Black Bear Books, and $12 at the door.


Creston Valley Advance