Billy Grimes (played by Barry Baker), right, and Roman Plushenko (played by Ted Girard) argue at a park bench in Brian March’s original dramatic comedy, Rappaport Revisited. The show was one of two performed for the Vancouver Island One-Act Play Festival in Qualicum Beach on Saturday, Nov. 4. — Adam Kveton Photo

Billy Grimes (played by Barry Baker), right, and Roman Plushenko (played by Ted Girard) argue at a park bench in Brian March’s original dramatic comedy, Rappaport Revisited. The show was one of two performed for the Vancouver Island One-Act Play Festival in Qualicum Beach on Saturday, Nov. 4. — Adam Kveton Photo

Winners anounced for one-act play fest in Qualicum Beach

Best Director goes to ECHO Players' Jennifer Kelly

After five days of one-act plays, the winners have been announced.

It was a bumper-crop year for the Vancouver Island One-Act Play Festival, which took place from Wednesday, Nov. 1 to Sunday, Nov. 5 at the Village Theatre in Qualicum Beach.

With performances from schools, dramatic societies, Qualicum Beach’s own the ECHO Players and more, the decisions from judges Robb Mowbray and Nicola Cavendish are in:

• Best Ensemble: Emotional Baggage, the Nanaimo District Secondary School.

• Best Supporting Actor: Gerry Fraser, Is It Lunch Yet?, The Geri-Actor Players.

• Best Supporting Female Actor: Cindy Nadine Solda, The Actor’s Nightmare, Portal Players Dramatic Society.

• Best Male Actors: Barry Baker and Ted Girard, Rappapport Revisited, Short Circuit Theatre; and Ross Stephanson and Tony Arnold, One Strike, Two Brothers, Theatre Works for Performing Arts.

• Certificates for promising actors: Michael Standley, Sister Mary Ignatius Exclaims It All For You, ; Julie Robertson and AJ Deveaux’ Godenez, One Strike, Two Brothers; and Imogen Brown, Pink.

• Best Original Script: One Strike, Two Brothers, Kymme Patrick.

• Best Director: Jennifer Kelly, Pink, ECHO Players.

• Best Play: The Actor’s Nightmare, Portal Players Dramatic Society.

—The NEWS, submitted by

Linda Attley

Parksville Qualicum Beach News