Young East Kootenay performers in Canada Music event

Young East Kootenay performers in Canada Music event

For the Bulletin

For the Bulletin

This year’s Canada Music Week concert will take place on November 24, 2 pm at Cranbrook United Church near Safeway gas bar. By donation you are invited to experience a fine array of our country’s musical offerings, presented by the East Kootenay Music Teachers’ Association and performed by students of EKMTA members.

Canada’s many world records include more lakes than all other countries combined, 60% of the planet’s polar bear population – and the largest single agency to preserve and promote its nation’s musical culture. The Canadian Music Centre has creative hubs country-wide and offers sheet music, recordings, concerts and up-to-now online services.

Begun in 1960, Canada Music Week honours composers, performers, teachers, training institutes, and others involved in music. The annual celebration is held during the week that includes November 22, the name day of Saint Cecilia, Patron Saint of Music.

Sunday’s program will include imaginatively-titled selections (Dreamcatcher, Computer Cat, Halley’s Comet); Canadian standards The Good Old Hockey Song by Stompin’ Tom Connors, Newfoundland’s famed Squid Jiggin’ Grounds – and Something to Sing About by Oscar Brand, world-record holder as the longest-running host of one radio program (70 years); local youth Jonathan Talbot with his original work, The Juggler; Ordinary Miracle by today’s superstar Sarah McLachlan; and more.

Enjoy also some fun Canadian factoids – St. Louis du Ha! Ha! in Quebec is the world’s only town with 2 exclamation marks in its title!!; Hawaiian Pizza was invented by a Greek in Canada. Sunday’s event will honour our unbeatable music and musicians as well as Canada’s unique place in the world.

Kimberley Bulletin