Peninsula actor Viva Lee, 11, is one of the regional finalists in the World Monologue Games, which will be livestreamed until October. Contributed photo

Young Semiahmoo Peninsula actor in monologue finals

Viva Lee will compete in online 'lockdown-friendly' event

Young Peninsula actor – and rising star – Viva Lee is among the performers who have been accepted into the World Monologue Games regional finals, one of 27 online events featuring outstanding competitors from around the world.

Started in 2020 by Australia’s Pete Malicki, the games were created as a lockdown-friendly platform for performers.

Lee, 11, a former Joey Award-winner and cable series regular, recently wrapped a lead role in an as-yet undisclosed feature film currently set for release in December or January.

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While the pandemic has inevitably had an impact on her career, she is attached to two other projects – one of which will require extensive travel – which appear to be scheduled to start up soon.

In the interim, she will be appearing in the games, which will be livestreamed until October, with regional winners in six different categories competing for $5,000 cash in the global finals.

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Lee’s successful entry for the games was a monologue of her own creation, exploring themes of vulnerability and fragility.

“I love performing, but I especially love this piece because I wrote it,” Lee said in a media release.

“I like writing pieces that challenge me or are unexpected,” she said, adding that she also likes exploring breaking down racist tropes and promoting mental health issues.

“I’m so proud that I get to compete for my country doing what I love,” she said. “It’s different from being on set for a job. I like games, so this was a lot of fun for me.”

“It’s definitely special to have our second season take place in an Olympics year,” Malicki noted.

“We have the best performers from 51 countries all getting together to show the world what they’re made of. I’m not sure where you can see such a diverse range of actors all in the same place.”

To view the event timeline, visit

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